7 reasons to prune your trees

Pruning is much more than the simple act of sawing off limbs and should be a regular part of all tree and shrub maintenance programs.

Proper pruning encourages strong growth, increases flower and fruit production, improves plant health, and removes damaged limbs, all which give aesthetic appeal to a tree. Pruning at the right time and in the right way is critical, since it is possible to kill a healthy tree through neglect or over-pruning. Essentially, pruning should enhance the trees natural shape.

Here are a few main reasons to prune your trees:

Ensures health

Pruning keeps your trees healthy. Pruning involves removing dead, infected, and excess branches. Proper pruning also allows more air circulation and sun exposure for healthy growth. This promotes new growth, balance, and structural integrity.


Dead branches can pose a risk to life and property especially during storms. Trees near power lines are also risky. Pruning helps prevent accidents by removing high-risk branches from your tree.

Encourages fruit production

You can prune fruit trees during late winter to promote more growth in spring and summer. When the tree has less volume to maintain, it can put its excess energy stores into producing more fruit.


Overgrown trees and hanging branches can look ugly and bring down the curb appeal of your property. Pruning keeps trees in shape and increases the value and look of your property.

More sunlight

Trees can block the entry of sunlight to your home. By clearing the obstructing branches you can allow more light in and save on power.

Growth control

You can control the growth of your trees through tree pruning. You can make a tree easier to maintain this way. Pruning trees in summer generally limits their growth while pruning in winter leads to robust growth.

Improves view

You can prune the branches blocking the view of your windows, balconies, and skylights.


Benefits of Tree Pruning in the Summer


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